Shawn Bickford Bio


Blessed to be married to his wife Juliette since 1990.

Alaska Missions Experience (since 2005, 12 years):

  • Galena Bible Church
  • Kokrine Hills Bible Camp
  • Great Commission Alaska

General Experience:

  • San Jose State University – B.S. Degree in Aeronautics 1993
  • ATP rated pilot
  • Flight Instructor
  • A&P Mechanic,
  • Deacon: Foothill Christian Fellowship, Meadow Vista, CA

I believe in the vision to share God’s message of love and redemption through God’s people in the mission field that are committed to Biblical teaching and counseling. I share a long-term vision to raise up Biblical leaders out of the native villages that will change the current and future generations.

Evidence of man’s depravity is systemic in our culture. Alaska is a land of extremes. This depravity seems to be extreme in many rural Alaskan villages. Drug and alcohol abuse, depression, sexual abuse, and suicide are common. I’ve seen this spiritual darkness and its effects first-hand over many years.

We can’t change rural Alaska overnight, but through a collective effort involving many volunteers we can make a difference. This is our calling as Christians. Our efforts need to be consistent with Scripture and consistent with each other. I believe that planning and organization through organizations like Great Commission Alaska are the key to both efficiently and effectively present the gospel that ultimately leads to life changes through the Holy Spirit.

I’ve logged well over 1,000 hours of flying to rural parts of Alaska. My love of Alaska was somehow passed on from my late father who worked in a gold dredge in the early 1950’s along the Yukon River.  His stories were contagious and drew me to Juneau and the Bristol Bay to build valuable flying experience in single engine Pipers and Cessnas. The need to keep airplanes flying and in an airworthy condition provided the motivation to complete my Airframe & Powerplant (A&P) license while in college at San Jose State.

We have a family Cessna 180 Skywagon that has been passed down to me. This airplane had been a blessing not only to our family, but to many people in Alaska.  I’ve flown groceries, building supplies, youth, missionaries, boat parts, fish, you name it. It is a challenging airplane to fly as well as humbling. It has good load and range capabilities that are well suited to Alaska. Flying in Alaska is both challenging and often so amazingly beautiful that it takes your breath away. Serving the Lord this way has been the most rewarding part of my life. Alaska presents many challenges in regards to weather and logistics. Fuel is often difficult to come by, weather is often unpredictable. 

What I love the most about the North is the people. The self-reliant attitude and creativity among Alaskans are inspirational; however, these same inspirational traits seem often in conflict with a need of a Savior.

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
— Romans 15:4-7

We’re looking for committed volunteers from all walks of life that can work in harmony, and with the joint purpose of glorifying God through serving and sharing the truth of the Gospel in Alaska.